
This is a site map intended to help users navigate the website. Please note that anywhere on the website***, you could click on the banner to go back to the home page from any other page. The Orlando Kannada Sangha website has the following pages:

The home page will be the entry page into our website. On the top of this page we will post announcements that need attention from the community. Following that, in reverse chronological order, we will publish information about past events such as picnics, movies, Rajyotsava, etc. with photos and embed videos as well.

About Us will provide information about OKS, our present and past committees, and organization bylaws.

Events will list out future events and also include links to past events by year.

Membership will list the membership dues as well as provide the benefits of being a member.

The Kannada Kali page will have a brief summary of the Kannada Kali program, a calendar that will show upcoming schedule (maintained under the Kannada Kali gmail account) and a link to the Kannada Kali site.

On the Calendar page, we will embed a calendar (maintained under the OKS gmail account) for the OKS community.

Contact Us will provide contact information.

Teenagers’ Sandbox: Similar to the Kannada Kali blog, this is an independently-run blog for our teenagers/youth. Let us see what they do with it! 🙂

From our members: We plan to solicit articles, poems, photos from our members, young and old!

All these pages will be linked from the left half of the website pages. In the tabs under the banner, we will only list these critical pages: About Us (with dropdown navigation), Events (with dropdown navigation), Membership, Kannada Kali, Calendar, Contact Us and Help (i.e., this page).

*** – except from the Kannada Kali page and the Teenagers’ Sandbox. From these pages, you will need to click the proper link to return to the OKS home page.